Can You Get Divorce Without Your Spouse Signature

Our law does not require your spouse's consent to get divorced regardless of religious beliefs.

Our law does non crave your spouse's consent to get divorced regardless of religious beliefs.

While the reasons for wanting a divorce may be complex, ultimately, if y'all're thinking of splitting upward at that place are some bones processes that must be followed.

But does your spouse demand to know almost these, and concur?

The respond to this question may vary when asked from a religious perspective equally opposed to a legal i, says Deborah Di Siena, of Di Siena Attorneys.

Some religions require your spouse's consent before you are considered to be divorced. Even so, our police force does not crave your spouse's permission to get divorced regardless of your religious beliefs.

You will, yet, need to satisfy the courtroom that the marriage has cleaved downwards irretrievably or that other grounds exist for the granting of a divorce, for example, mental illness.

Notify your spouse

While you do non have to obtain your spouse'south consent, you are notwithstanding required to notify your spouse of your intention to get divorced.

This notice will accept the form of a summons, which sets out your reasons for the breakdown of the wedlock, provisions regarding children's residence and maintenance, spousal maintenance and your claim for the division of assets. Your divorce summons volition then be served to your spouse by the sheriff of the court.

Once your spouse has received the summons, he will take ten days to determine if he is going to defend the summons.

Must read: What are the grounds for divorce in South Africa?

Unopposed divorces

An uncontested divorce tin can arise in ii instances, the first being a situation where the sheriff has served the summons, and your spouse fails to defend the activeness. In this instance, the court may grant you a decree of divorce by default.

The 2nd instance is where prior to issuing the summons, you and your spouse both wish to get divorced and enter into a written settlement agreement regulating the proprietary consequences of your divorce.

If the court is satisfied, the courtroom volition then grant a decree of divorce incorporating the agreement of settlement.

This procedure tin exist concluded in a few weeks.

Besides read:Women in customary marriages now have equal rights to marital holding

Opposed divorces

The alternative is when your spouse decides that he is going to defend your claim for divorce.

This does not mean that you at present need his consent (every bit often your spouse will also wish to get divorced), it simply ways that they do not agree with the claims you have fabricated in your summons.

Your spouse will defend your claims and file a counterclaim.

The action for divorce will, therefore, be opposed and may result in a trial should you and your spouse not accomplish a settlement earlier the trial date. Information technology can take ii years to get a trial date, and this process can be very expensive.

Our police does make provision for what is termed a "do it yourself divorce". While this may seem like a cost-effective option, information technology is advisable to consult with an chaser to suggest you on your rights and duties before you issue a summons confronting your spouse.

This applies particularly when there are children involved.

Parent24'south #dignifieddivorce  series is here to help parents navigate the legal and emotional implications of a divorce.

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