unable to upload sql files into phpmyadm

  1. Hello there,

    I get this error when trying to install ISPConfig iii following the Perfect Server for CentOS v.2.

    I can connect to the database through phpmyadmin and from the command prompt.

    ispconfig_install.log says:

    I can manually import that sql file into the database (which it really creates before giving the error and quitting) only so it says in that location are already tables in the database and quits.

    This is what my mysql.user tabular array looks similar.

    localhost 		root 	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	  	[Blob - 0 B] 	[BLOB - 0 B] 	[BLOB - 0 B] 	0 	0 	0 	0 server1.mydomain.com 	root 	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	  	[Hulk - 0 B] 	[BLOB - 0 B] 	[BLOB - 0 B] 	0 	0 	0 	0 		root 	  			Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	Y 	  	[Hulk - 0 B] 	[BLOB - 0 B] 	[Blob - 0 B] 	0 	0 	0 	0
    I tried deleting all of them but ane and setting its host to % but that withal gives the aforementioned error. I take tried quite a number of things but manifestly nix thats right yet.

    The only thing that is probably related is when I was on folio 5 (http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-centos-5.two-ispconfig-three-p5) near the top on the 2nd stride it did the offset command but the 2nd command said I had no admission. So neither commands would work anymore.

    This command failed proverb there were no permissions.
    mysqladmin -h server1.mydomin.com -u root password mypassword

    Any idea what I should do?

    Thanks for your time =)

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Make sure that you lot used the mysql root user and not any other user and that the mysql root password does non contain whatsoever special chars or contrl characters.
  3. How-do-you-do Till,

    Thank you for your quick response =)

    Well I am pretty sure its the mysql root user that I am using. I was able to change the password for it on the offset line of the command on page 5: mysqladmin -u root password yourrootsqlpassword

    My password has but letters and numbers.

    At that point line 2 told me access was denied or something. Maybe this was it: error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'server1.mydomain.com' (using password: NO)'

    It is the same 1 I used to log into phpmyadmin and to exam the connection via the control line. I did mysql -h localhost -u root -p and it asked me to type my countersign then I typed it and this is its output:

    So I don't really know why information technology would connect this way and phpmyadmin but not in the install.

    I did manage to get a unlike message for you lot that might help. Only information technology still doesn't make sense because I can import the entire thing perfectly fine in phpmyadmin.

    However when I become to the control line and type this:

    It produces this error:
    I am pretty much clueless about that error. I oasis't modified the sql file at all.

    Anyhow I managed to get past information technology by removing code inside installer_base.lib.php inside the configure_database function. (Lines 148-161 and line 167)

    I now accept ISPConfig 3!!! woohoo =)

  4. My question goes to the original commencement question by this poster. (rrhode)

    Unable to load SQL-Dump into database tabular array

    While I was installing ISPConfig 3..

    I am not sure about the solution as said past rrhode:

    Anyway I managed to go past it by removing code inside installer_base.lib.php inside the configure_database office. (Lines 148-161 and line 167)
    How am I exactly going to practice that and maybe at that place are other ways? Thank you very much..

  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Commencement, which is the exact ISPConfig version are you using? Please be aware that the svn version can only exist used on servers were you are actively programming in ispconfig as it tin exist broken at whatever time. So please post only issues from released versions or beta / rc versions or at to the lowest degree say that you used the svn version then post to the evolution forum as your problems are not realted to any version that was released.

    Removing these lines simply results in a incomplete setup. At present yous have ISPConfig with an empty or not updated database which is completely useless.

    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    He used a debelopment version (SVN), and so what he said is not related to whatever released version or to any product setup of ISPConfig. Also his solution leaves a unusable and cleaved system every bit commenting out the lawmaking that ibstalls the database is not a solution of course.

    If you encounter this problem, brand sure thyt you downloaded the latest non svn relaese from sipconfig.org.

  7. Hello till,

    Thanks I am going to become the non-SVN version, distressing I did non mention information technology.

    Could you lot mail service some link maybe including the command needed to install the ISPConfig?

    I have a link which take not tried nonetheless, I will exercise information technology now..and post back if the problem persists which I do not think so since information technology is the SVN fault. Thanks.

    No more than outcome with ISPConfig 3 after downloaded from non-SVN. The fault message did non come up upwardly..


    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  8. Ohhh I get information technology now. I downloaded the release version of ISPConfig iii.0.1 just I did the svn export to the install directory as in the Perfect Server guide. I estimate I did not read clearly enough. I only did the steps and didn't realize there was an pick at that point.

    I manually imported the sql file to phpmyadmin. The lines I removed from the file seem to only try to import the database. I don't believe they do any sort of updates to it but if they do then I estimate my install is messed upward anyhow.

    So far ISPConfig seems to exist working. There are some issues with it simply I accept no doubt they volition exist fixed in upcoming releases. And since I obviously have an SVN version thats why there are bug.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me =)

  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Programmer

    This will not piece of work considering the installer changes several values in the datbase subsequently the import so that ispconfig knows the details of your server configuration. You should uninstall ispconfig with the unistall.php script that yous can find in the install folder and then reinstall ispconfig iii.0.1 from the tar.gz
  10. Thanks once again =)

    In that location were some issues with the uninstall which I am guessing the reason is considering I am running CentOS and non Debian just I don't know Debian.

    uninstall.php had: /etc/init.d/mysql
    my system had: /etc/init.d/mysqld

    uninstall.php had: /etc/apache2
    my system had: /etc/httpd/conf

  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is besides a fedora uninstall script there which should work better with centos.
  12. I merely noticed that =) Thats awesome.
  13. Hello Till,
    I accept the same problem : when I run the install script after i answer the multiserver question mistake is:
    Shall this server join an existing ISPConfig multiserver setup (y,n) [northward]:
    Error: Unable to load SQL-Dump into database table.
    ISPConfig install log said:
    /tmp/ispconfig3_install/install/lib/installer_base.lib.php, Line 167: WARNING: could not read in ispconfig3.sql
    I try all the steps higher up just no success . Installer create a blank dbispconfig database simply with ISPConfig and a database with 5 tables with ISPConfig .
    I user mysql server 5.7.11 with php 5.half dozen.18 .Mysql apply mysqlnd for mysqli .If I import ispconfig3.sql manually is working but the database is empty . I try ISPConfig three.0.5.4p8 si version .
    My mysql root /password are Ok , I can connect to server via shell or phpmyadmin .
    The funny thing is if I utilise in installation process an external mysql server ( mysql v.7.xi anf php 7.0) the install process work fine , the database is created Ok, and if I import that complete database to my main server ISPConfig seems to work fine simply I am not sure ...
    I am using Centos 7.ii .
    I think is a php ---mysql issue but all my checks are Ok .
    Can you help me ?
    Cheers .
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    About likely a problem with MySQL 5.seven equally this MySQL version is not fully compatible with MySQL dumps that were made for older MySQL releases. Ensure that MySQL is non running in SQL way "STRICT_TRANS_TABLES".

    SQL style should be e.g.:


    simply non:


  15. Hello Till,
    Give thanks yous for your answer .Avoiding STRICT_TRANS_TABLES solved my problem , ISPConfig work locally and the database is consummate .
    I receive in mysqld log an discover:
    2016-03-14T14:42:13.450185Z 41 [Note] Aborted connexion 41 to db: 'dbispconfig' user: 'ispconfig' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
    2016-03-14T14:42:13.450862Z 42 [Note] Aborted connection 42 to db: 'dbispconfig' user: 'ispconfig' host: 'localhost' (Got an mistake reading advice packets)
    2016-03-14T14:42:13.450928Z 43 [Notation] Aborted connection 43 to db: 'dbispconfig' user: 'ispconfig' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
    Can I resolv this log issue ? My mysql log is full with this notes .
    Thank you .
  16. florian030

    florian030 ISPConfig Programmer ISPConfig Developer

    Can y'all login into mysql with the credentials from /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/config.inc.php and /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/config.inc.php ?
  17. ztk.me

    ztk.me ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    This is unlikely an auth issue, more a "received unexpected control / package" error. Some other rare conditions can be idle time, size of used buffers and probably some other kinds of configurations.

    It could exist interesting if at that place'south an consequence with the used mysql customer lib and server - would recommend to tcpdump the communication to see where information technology drops.

    Edit: Did you try recompiling PHP using the mysql 5.7 headers?
    Edit2: Also mysql-nd driver behaves a bit different, some code changes may be required to solve the same result set fetching as with default mysql(i) driver.

    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
  18. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And you should exist aware that ispconfig is not the only software that connects to dbispconfig database, the aforementioned user and login is used past postfix, dovecot, amavis and pure-ftpd, then whatever of these might crusade this. In the past, I've seen that postfix tends to not close connections and therefore they time out.

    So while you tin can debug this, I would only consider to disable logging of "Notes" in MySQL every bit these are non errors.

  19. Yes, credential from both config file work fine, I tin can log to mysql server like root and ispconfig user .
  20. I don't recompile PHP , I want to do this like a ultimate solution .
    I'll try to switch back to standard php-mysql commuter and check the log , I switch to mysql-nd driver to resolve a mysql warning almost different version of API between php and mysql . If the switch back resolve the "note" issue I'll let yous know .
    Thanks for your idea .

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Source: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/error-unable-to-load-sql-dump-into-database-table.32965/

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